September 6, 2013

  • Lost & Found & Lost

    We are beginning the process of cleaning out our attic. The plan is for Brett to bring down a few boxes at a time and I will sort through them, repacking the stuff I want to keep, setting aside stuff for the church rummage sale, and tossing the trash. Our attic has a history of wasps, bats and flying squirrels. I've also seen at least one dead spider in the first batch of boxes I sorted yesterday. There are scary things in the bottoms of the boxes from the attic!

    I'm not sure if every bunch of boxes is going to be the same, but the first one was an emotional roller coaster. The first thing I picked up was a plastic bag. When I looked inside it, I found some photo envelopes. I grabbed the envelope on top and opened it; inside were two plastic folders filled with photographs. I pulled out the folder on top, opened it, and was figuratively punched in the gut by the first photo. I'm glad I was sitting down.

    Cloudcroft Dad

    It was my dad and the photo was from the road trip Krysten and I took with my parents to California in 1996. The photo was from our memorable stop for a picnic at a state park in Cloudcroft, New Mexico, one of the most beautiful places in this country. That photo made me gasp and tears sprang to my eyes. The next photo made me laugh.

    Cloudcroft Mom

    It was Mom in her flowery straw hat, being attacked by tiny hummingbirds. She thought they were big bees or wasps. The hummingbirds were attracted by the Diet Coke she's holding and confused by the brightly colored silk flowers on her hat. You can see that she had dropped her cane, but was holding tight to her Diet Coke. We do not neglect the priorities in my family!

    I found three or four envelopes of photos from that trip, including these taken in Kansas where we stopped to see family.

    KS Lynda_Pat_Dad

    My cousin Lynda, Aunt Pat and Dad. Aunt Pat and Dad are both gone now.

    KS K_Lou

    Krysten and Uncle Lou. They immediately became fast friends; not an easy accomplishment with Uncle Lou. He is gone now.

    KS Fern

    My grandmother. I'm going to take a wild guess that the flash on my camera had stopped working. Grandma was gone a couple of years after this photo was taken.

    KS K 4

    This one made me smile. It's Krysten standing on the sidewalk in front of Grandma's house watching a train go by at the rail crossing up the street. I remember visiting Grandma when I was younger than Krysten in this photo, and getting excited when the crossing bells started clanging and the barricades came down. I'd run out the door and down the sidewalk to watch the trains go by. It made my heart happy to see my daughter do the same thing. Grandma's house on Market Street is still there, but it is now making memories for another family.

    I've looked for these pictures a few times over the years. They've been lost for many years, but now they've been found again. So many of the people I loved in these photos are lost now, though; Grandma, Aunt Pat, Uncle Lou and Dad. Mom is still here in body, but Alzheimer's Disease is causing her to slowly slip away from reality. Krysten, of course, is still with me, but she's a grown woman now, living her own life, making her own memories.

    What was lost is found, what is found has been lost. I am thankful for the photographs that stir my memories of this lost moment in time.

Comments (14)

  • How special for you, to see those pictures again. I've thought of making a list of all the people I've known who are in Heaven now, but it would be too long a list.

  • I'd rec this one all over that place. I have recently had my own "found" photo fest. Reminds us that the connections of love are never really broken, they just move in new ways. HUGS!

  • This place...that place. You know what I mean. :) (pats heart, and points to you)

  • This made me emotional and I don't even know these people! What a treasure.

  • that photo of your mom and the story that went with it cracked me up so hard. probably one of the greatest stories I've heard in a while.

  • Your attic is magical with wasps,bats, squirrel, ..owls? But in this attic, time has stopped when you find all of these photos . The youth always is there and your dear family members

  • I also got so emotional. I love looking at pictures - even other people's. I am the best friend to come over and see after a vacation. I want to see them all and hear their stories!

  • Precious memories, unseen angels,
    Sent from somewhere to my soul.
    How they linger ever near me,
    And the sacred past unfolds.

    have a great weekend and more precious memories.

    did I tell you how great the cookies were <3

  • I have been slowly going through stuff and I have came across pictures that have brought back such a flood of memories but ya know I think remembering is really good for us...

  • My mother swore she'd never keep photos -- yet when we cleared out her house I discovered several boxes full of photos! That might be a good winter project, to scan them all and sort them somehow!

  • I love this post. Now that my mom is gone, I've discovered some wonderful photos...and a couple I tore up because they were shots of me in my ugliest form of teenage years. I enjoy the ones that bring back good memories, which were few for me.

  • I can imagine the joy and the sorrow with these photos. I'm glad that these memories have been preserved. Hugs!

  • That is an interesting treasure of photos. Perhaps we'll finally rediscover the lost tiger!

    • That is what I'm hoping! It's gotta be up there because it's not anywhere else in this house.

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