June 4, 2015

  • Crystalline's Quiz

    Crystalline posted a quiz! That takes me back to the good old days of Xanga.  Since I am already hopelessly behind on murisopsis' scavenger hunt and feeling uninspired, I'll do this instead.

    1. Watched an episode of Game of Thrones? One episode only. I was curious what all the hype was about and Comcast was showing the first season On Demand, so I watched the first episode. Actually, I'm not sure I made it all the way to the end. I do not enjoy endless scenes of violence, especially when they are only broken up by endless scenes of nudity. I might try to read the books someday, but there was nothing in the first episode to make me want to waste any more of my time with the TV show. Sorry Crystal... different strokes.
    2. Made your own play-doh? Oh, yes. I was a Girl Scout leader, a Sunday School teacher, a babysitter and a mom.
    3. Slept overnight in a car? Every time my family went on vacation when I was a kid. For some reason, Daddy didn't like to share a hotel room with five kids. It was a rare treat when we didn't sleep in the car.
    4. Been to Canada? Yep. And not planning to go back. I was at the hotel with Krysten while Brett and Dad ran out to get something for supper. There was a Mexican restaurant with no place to park. Right next door was a doughnut shop with 40 empty spaces. Dad parked there, thinking he'd run in and put in our order at the Mexican place, then go buy doughnuts for breakfast while they got the dinner order together. He wasn't in the restaurant ten minutes and when he came out, the van was gone. Doughnut shop owner had it towed and towing company would only take Canadian money. Luckily, Krysten was so excited to be in a new country, she'd changed all of her money when we crossed the border, so Brett grabbed a cab back to the hotel, the ten-year-old child is the one who got the van out of impound and I refused to spend another penny on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.
    5. Been hitchhiking? Nope. But my dad was always picking up hitchhikers because he'd hitchhiked across the country several times when he was in the Navy, stationed in Virginia with a girlfriend in California.
    6. Been part of a ‘live studio audience’? Not for real, but in one of the movie studio theme parks back in the 80s. Brett, of course, was chosen to be in the "sitcom."
    7. Had a Cabbage Patch doll? I'm too old for that, but my daughter had one, courtesy of her great-grandparents.
    8. Raised sea monkeys? No, although I have a dim memory of Brett doing it shortly after we were married. I could be wrong.
    9. Eaten a starfruit? No. I don't remember even seeing them in the grocery store until the last few years.
    10. Seen a humming bird? Many times. One of my favorite memories of my mom is the time she was wearing a little straw hat with bright silk flowers on it, and carrying a Diet Coke. We were in a beautiful glade in Cloudcroft, New Mexico. She kept waving her hand in front of her face and over her head and finally she said, "There are HUGE wasps divebombing my head!" It was tiny hummingbirds, attracted to the syrup in her soda and fooled by the bright silk flowers on her hat. They were driving her crazy!
    11. Had a lady bug or butterfly land on you? Of course! I had a panic attack over the butterfly when it unrolled its nasty proboscis and started poking at my shirt. I used to like ladybugs until we moved here and met the Asian ones that bite.
    12. Made your own icecream? Yes. I especially enjoy snow ice cream made with Kahlua.
    13. Fired a gun? When I was seven years old and we were driving through the desert, Dad stopped for some target practice with his Colt 45 and let me shoot it. It knocked me on my ass and I've never shot a gun since.
    14. Been fired from a job? The church I worked at through three pastors asked me to leave, but they don't consider that firing me.

    15. Changed a tire? I used to be able to change a tire on my humongous '74 Monte Carlo with the bumper jack. Now, even though vehicles are lighter weight and tires are smaller and lighter, I can't figure out how to work the goofy jack that cranks up. This is why God gave us husbands and AAA.

    Thank you, Crystalline!

Comments (2)

  • Yay! I love your answers! I have to whole heartily agree about the lady bugs. When I was a kid they were harmless and actually beneficial. Now the Asian ones are evil and they bite HARD! Sparky thinks I'm nuts when I have a fit about a lady bug in the bedroom!

  • Uh-Oh, now I have to worry about biting lady bugs? I will now google if the ones in my area are non-biters.
    I'm so glad you participated. I enjoyed your answers, and no worries at all about the Game of Thrones thing. I've never seen any of it, and I've heard what you describe which is not compelling me to buy the dvds either.
    It's a shame your Canadian visit was ruined so. I'm glad Krysten could bail the van out.

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