January 28, 2014

  • The Snowpocalypse Continues

    I'm sure you're all getting tired of hearing about the snow and the cold, especially if you're experiencing it, too. But there's no leaving the house and not much else to write about. The latest from our area:


    • The state police want everyone to stay off I-94 until at least Thursday.
    • The county sheriff wants everyone to stay off all the other roads until further notice.
    • The electric company wants everyone to cut back on their power use.


    Today's high temperature is expected to get up to 0 (zero) degrees. It is currently -6 degrees. I think most of the county is shut down today. On the bright side, the sun is shining and the sky is blue at the moment. It's too cold to go out and take photos, so I shot a few through the window.

    1.28 A

    Snow and shadows.

    1.28 B

    My neighbor's house has at least six steps going up to the front door.

    1.28 C

    The stop sign on the corner is in danger of being buried.

    Brett came home from work early yesterday and is off today. We watched a movie and played cribbage last night (we each won one game). I'm thinking backgammon today.

    In other news, my right arm is killing me. I'm typing this while wearing a wrist brace. My arm hurts from my fingers up to the right side of my neck. I don't know if it's arthritis, or tendonitis, or a combination of the two, or something else entirely. All I know is I can't do much with my right hand anymore. We stopped playing cribbage after two games because it had become too painful for me to shuffle the cards. But I'll soldier on.

    I think the weather might get better after today. We may actually hit double digits - ABOVE zero - tomorrow. I'll celebrate by going to the post office and getting my mail.

Comments (5)

  • Light and Shadow. Reminds me of LOTR.

  • Yep I feel you! I made lentil soup last night for lunch today. Now I'm going to bake cookies and make Singapore noodles for dinner. Right after I finish reorganizing the hall closet. The washer is almost done too... We haven't had a newspaper in 2 days and just like you we have been ordered to stay off the roads and turn down the thermostat. Staying warm by moving/working and I love to fold hot clothes right from the drier!

  • Wow, you do have tons of snow. We are getting a few inches today here in TN.

  • I am so excited. Snow is predicted for my town for tonight! I'm sorry, but when it never comes, it hardly seems like winter after growing up where there was lots. So, now I look with anticipation out the window and it's still freezing rain, little icicles hanging off the branches. I hope the prediction is correct and it changes to flakes.

  • PS I'm sorry your arm is bothering you so.

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